'Particle Equalizer #1' is the first experiment project of 'Particle Equalizer Series' by 'Sehyun Kim' (also known as 'av' or 'visualozik'). This application is created in 'Nature of Code 2015 by Mimi Yin' & 'Computer Graphics 2015 by Ken Perlin' at ITP (Interactive Telecommunications Program), NYU and inspired by 'Robert Hodgin (flight404)'s audiovisual generative coding works. This documentation video will show you how it works, you can also play it in person, please check this following link goo.gl/QydXWw *project info Particle Equalizer is a realtime audio reactive application on the web browser. - add your playlist on player by pasting the url from sound cloud. - turn off the player and play with mic input. it will react to the sound from outside of your computer. - hide interface by scrolling up and make it full screen by hitting 'Ctrl(Cmd)+Shift+F' while you partying! ***Particle Equalizer #1 currently only runs on chrome browser - web application for chrome desktop - javascript/ threejs/ glsl/ web-audio/ soundcloud/ css - creative coding - sound reactive - 2015.12 created by sehyun kim (a.k.a av & visualozik) av.seoul@gmail.com www.kimsehyun.kr *music info Disclosure - You & Me (Flume Remix) https://soundcloud.com/flume/disclosure-you-me-flume-remix