Broke One · Chaos Engine (White Forest Records · 2015) Born from deep analysis, listening and visual interpretation of the track, Chaos Engine is an arduous attempt to represent through multiple patterns and metaphors the complex chaos theory. Full of quotes and numeric constants, the whole video is based on the geometric, chromatic, rhythmic, hermetic and conceptual overlapping of the 3 variables useful for the definition of chaos. These inevitably become the explanation of the concept: the order in the chaos / the chaos in the order. The resulting visual over-stimulation is then a metaphor helpful in understanding the difficult if not impossible reading of a single input in a highly chaotic space. The paradox is to feel strangely fascinated and attracted to all of it. ······ music by BROKE·ONE concept & direction LUCABUGATTI·-II shooting & editing MARCO·MAZZONI visual effects GIACOMO·FAVARON ······ "Chaos Engine" taken from the album Reminiscence, released 27 October 2015 on White Forest Records: