"Static Run" is an animated short about a generally paranoid man trying to get away from some unseen threat. When the dread becomes unmanageable, he surprisingly finds some sense relief. Direction, Animation, and Sound Design by Sean Ye Sound Effects found on http://www.freesound.org Original Music: "Rythme Gitan" - Latché Swing http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Latch_Swing/demo_2008/Rythme_Gitan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Festival Official Selections: Isle of Man Film Festival 2015 ITSA Film Festival 2015 Indie Memphis 2015 Rockport Film Festival 2015 Blow Up - Chicago International Arthouse Film Festival 2015 Columbus International Film + Video Festival 2015 Con Film Festival 2015 The World Animation Celebration 2015 DC Independent Film Festival 2016