This work extends on Cellular Forms, introducing additional complexity by using more than one cell type, which results in regions with divergent properties. The different cell types effectively compete with each other for space during development. All resultant motion as well as shape is genuinely emergent since the simulation rules only dictate interactions between adjacent cells. The process is iterated over tens of thousands of time steps, with final structures having over a hundred million cells and remarkably complex morphologies. There are six different simulations shown, with each one seen from four different camera angles to illustrate different aspects of the form as it develops. A density accumulation map is used for rendering, effectively giving an x-ray view through the structures. This video is a slight variation on work that I originally presented at the 2015 European Conference on Artificial Life. I would like to thank Max Cooper for permission to use 'Teotihuacan Part 2' for the accompanying music. For more information: Website: Mailing list: