Experimental Film Commissioned by Ray-Ban Featuring Choreographer Ian Eastwood Directed by Tim Nackashi Cinematography by Alexander Nikishin "Dub Me" by Peter Cottontale, Nico Segal (ft Jessie Boykins III) 1st AC ……. Jon Jung 2nd AC ……. Eric Lorton Steadicam ……. Thor Wixom Jib ……. Victor Pancerev Sound Recordist ……. JP Robelot Sound Recordist ……. Jon Ailetcher Editor ……. Tim Nackashi Color ……. Bossi Baker Sound Mix ……. Lihi Orbach Score ……. Jay Nackashi Score Engineering ……. Jay Nackashi & Andy LeMaster Shot on location at The Eleven Studios and Werkartz Studio A Human Resources Production With Yours Tru.ly #ItTakesCourage