From the album "Swing For The Nation" Buy here: WINNER International Music Video Festival, Paris FRA WINNER Best Swiss Video Clip, Zurich SWI WINNER Sehsüchte Festival, Babelsberg GER WINNER FilmQuest, Salt Lake City USA WINNER Underfunded Film Festival, Pleasant Grove USA WINNER Transilvania Shorts Festival, Targu Mures ROM WINNER La Guarimba, Amantea ITA SPECIAL MENTION Black Sea Film Festival, Vama Veche ROM PROGRAM Encounters Festival, Bristol UK PROGRAM Cleveland International Film Festival USA PROGRAM Newport Beach Film Festival USA PROGRAM Solothurner Filmtage, Solothurn SWI PROGRAM SoundTrack Cologne GER PROGRAM See You Sound, Torino ITA PROGRAM Ars Independent Festival, Katowice POL PROGRAM My Sound Of Music, Salzburg AUT PROGRAM Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards USA PROGRAM Austin Music Video Festival uSA SCREENING Filmfest Munich GER Actors: Julia Gräfner, Andreas Storm Directed by Piet Baumgartner Cinematography by Stefan Dux Editing by Rebecca Trösch Production Design by Annina Geeser, Andrea Schmidlin Costume Design by Noemi Sorgo Camera Assistants, Lights: Cyrille Gsell, Simon Wottreng Thanks to Eglibau AG, Hastag AG, Spross AG, Kanton Zürich (Fachstelle Kultur) and Georges & Jenny Bloch Stiftung.