DPS Cinematic presents three short films coming Fall 2016, in association with New Belgium Brewing and Outdoor Research. The deep-winter spines of the Chugach; the poetic powder of the B.C. forests; the all-consuming storms of the Tordrillos. Step back into the shadows, in the third volume of DPS Cinematic's acclaimed film series. DPS Cinematic: dpsskis.com/en/cinematic/ Partners: outdoorresearch.com and newbelgium.com Featuring: Zack Giffin, Santiago Guzman, Olof Larsson, Drew Petersen, and Piers Solomon Directed by Ben Sturgulewski // sturgefilm.com Produced by Dan Benshoff and Stephan Drake Volume III Edited by Aidan Haley and Ben Sturgulewski // Trailer by Ben Sturgulewski Music by Freelance Whales - 'Generator, First Floor'