the denial.of.service presents further lysergic nightmares from the Island of Dr.Mengele - the deep neural-network hallucinates holocaust footage inceptionised via standard reference googlenet model - trained on Caffe model Zoo Imagenet. - perhaps .. the hallucinatory, visceral origins of the Burroughsian Mugwump, or a daisy chain of transmogrified primordial bio-fusion errors. - this is what the machine thinks it saw when fed with the Auschwitz / Mauthausen / Dahau post-apocalypse. - python code parametres > -model_name bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel -octaves 6 -octavescale 1.8 -iterations 6 -jitter 32 -blending loop [through all currently available inception layers] - all visual treatments & original audio by the denial.of.service ©2015