VeilHymn is a musical collaboration between Dev Hynes (Blood Orange) and Bryndon Cook. Director of Photography: Jackson Hunt Production Company: Strangelove Executive Producer: Melinda Nugent / Sara Greco Producer: Laure Salgon Jamaican Producer: Carleene Samuels Jamaican PM: Tiffany Lewis Choreographer: Juri Onuki Production Designer: Emma Rose Mead Editor: Mandy Brown Stylist: Savannah Baker Colourist: Kaitlyn Baittistelli at Electric Theater Company VFX: Gretchen Capatan at Electric Theater Company Director's Rep: Jamie Kohn @ Lark Creative Agency: Droga5 Agency Producer: Isabella Lebovitz Agency Creative: Katie WIllis, Julie Matheny, Anders Hedberg Dancers: Tara Price Shavon Jemison Melvin Gray Kristina Graham Davion Campbell Talent: Sheldon Shepherd Nico Alain Maria Hitchins Crystal Graham Rochelle Kamicka Keyewana Francis Tara Harrison Special thank you: Carleene Sammuels, Ras Kassa, Savannah Baker, our incredible Jamaican team, and the city of Kingston. RESPECT.