"Time" Story In 1951 the Hong Kong clock tower was built in the district of Tsim Sha Tsui. After all this time overlooking the Victoria Harbour for 100 years, no one has realised until now that a mysterious power from the clock will change the course of time. On one particular night, the blood-moon emerges causing the clock tower’s mysterious power to take place. Suddenly time cease to exist as the clock tower shifts time reversing day and night cycles and 24 hours is no longer relevant to the city. What will happen to Hong Kong on the blood-moon night before the clock strikes at midnight? Will Hong Kong get it’s new start after this mysterious encounter? The birth of “Time “ I started shooting time-lapse photography since 2012. A few years later I got into a new style of photography known as hyper-lapse. I was always fascinated by both styles of photography and continued to gain knowledge in these techniques. My practices over the years became real jobs and more recently I have started to teach my techniques in workshops. However, once in a while I still like to do my own projects and create my own stories which is how I got into this project known as TIME. The concept began in Oct 2014 when the blood moon (lunar eclipse) was approaching. There are a lot of fairytale stories from different people about the idea and the meaning. I thought I’d take the opportunity to make my own story from it. I merged the blood moon concept with the clock tower, because I felt the tower is still a remarkable landmark that has witness changes in the city for a century. This year marks the 100th year anniversary of the clock tower, so I felt it was right time to merge these two together and create a starting point for the story. Shooting took place from winter 2014 until Aug 2015, spanning across several of Hong Kong’s locations, Tsim Sha Tsui, Central, Victoria Harbour and the Peak. The video uses both techniques time-lapse and hyper-lapse The time-lapse shots were done using motion control. The Hyper-lapse required a lot more process as each shot has to be done frame by frame and manually taking a step forward using physical energy for hours. Each location was shot twice, day and night. The calculation and timing for shooting each place required hours of patience for example a 10 second hyper-lapse shot requires nearly 1.5 hours of shooting time, which required me to spend up to 3 hours to complete the day and night cycles. At each location I had to mark and remember the starting points and interval timing to match the framing in post production. Finally, all the photos are raw in 7K resolution, requiring more work in post, I’ll save that story for another time. Despite all the hard work and the time consuming time-lapse and hypler-lapse shooting I had a great time and I’m satisfied with the outcome seeing my work visualised in motion. It encourages me to move forward and create more videos in the near future. Translate by Scott Hui and Ida Lam "Time"故事香港尖沙咀鐘樓於1915年建成,今年剛好一百年,座落於改變了不少之尖沙咀,面前就是維多利亞港,一百年所擁有之神秘力量正好與今晚出現亦擁有特殊力量之血月(Blood Moon)結合,它們的力量令香港時間上受到影響,鐘樓時鐘運作不受控制,時間被干擾,它們所發出的能量令香港日夜空間反覆轉移和逆轉,血月夜在零晨十二時結束前香港會有什麼變化及影響?香港能否順利度過十二時開始新的一天? "Time" 之出現從2012年開始拍攝縮時攝影(Timelapse), 後來超行縮影(Hyperlapse) 之出現令我對這兩種攝影更著迷,經過不斷的拍攝,練習,技術得以提升,就想以故事手法利用縮時攝影及超行縮影拍攝方法去展現,概念從上年2014年10月份血月出現時開始,因為血月出現有很多傳説流傳,於是腦袋裡天馬行空的概念就一一浮現並把故事畫面記下,而選擇尖沙咀鐘樓因為它歷史悠久,擁有很多經歷,見證了很多改變,1990年7月30日,鐘樓被香港古物諮詢委員會評定為香港法定古蹟,受到《古物及古蹟條例》的保護。今年亦是尖沙咀鐘樓興建一百週年。而發生在香港維多利亞港兩岸之間亦對香港有一定的代表性,之後就設計故事大綱,選擇拍攝地點。整個故事由尖沙咀鐘樓開始,在尖沙咀,中環,維多利亞港和山頂拍攝,於2014年冬季12月正式開拍,影片內有定位縮時,器材移動縮時和主要的超行縮影,拍攝時間直到2015年8月,而難度最高是超行縮影,因為要專注地一步一步拍攝而且須要足夠體力,而全片大部份片段都要在相同位置於日和夜拍攝一次,如拍攝10秒超行縮影片段用上1小時30分,即是要用3小時去拍攝一段10秒片段,而且要準確地在相同位置起步,所以每次拍攝都要把拍攝資料記下如間隔時間,每步距離。由於全片都以Raw 7K去拍攝所以後期製作亦用了很長時間。雖然以縮時攝影及超行縮影手法去拍攝影片很費時及製作工序很多,不過我可以把天馬行空之概念一一去實現,製造震撼性之視覺畫面亦是我不斷拍攝之原動力,令我得好大滿足感。 Film by: Patrick Cheung@PowerUpTimelapse @PowerUpMotion http://www.powerupmotion.com Patrick Cheung: Like Me on Facbook http://www.facebook.com/PowerUpTimela... Follow Me on: http://www.instagram.com/patrickpowerup https://twitter.com/Patrickcreep Subscribe to Me http://www.vimeo.com/user10088943 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH_x... Special thanks: PowerUpMotion Special Camera Service Nikon Hong Kong Music by: Dubstep@AudioFortress